Sunday, 14 October 2012

Performance at the Michel-Ange Café

(photos mostly by K. Anderson Link for Full Size Slide Show or Flickr Set )

Astronaut Love Triangle can strongly recommend the Michel-Ange Café as a performance venue.

And we garnered some compliments ourselves:

  • ...You were very entertaining and clever. Such fun. Please keep us on your  listserv of groupies. (AB)
  • Fantastic show. I loved everything and everybody. (SS)

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Performance on Saturday, Oct. 13 au Michel-Ange Café

Space punk from your favourite performance art collective in Ottawa's coolest new intimate venue.

Joined by the fabulous:

Sat, October 13, 8pm – 11pm

35 Laurel Street, Ottawa (Le Michel-Ange Café) map

$9 at the door

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Rolf Harris: Is the dance over?

I'm on a Rolf Harris kick this weekend.
Had to share this video with you.

This is from a British show called the Money or the Gun and every week a different performer did a version of Stairway to Heaven.
I think Astronaut Love Triangle needs to get a wobble board.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Bollywood's Answer to the Beatles

From Janwar (1965). I want to see this movie. IMDB says:

Mr. Srivastava lives a very wealthy lifestyle with his wife, and two sons, Mahendra and Sunder. He plans to get both his sons married to women from equally wealthy backgrounds. This does not happen, as Mahendra falls in love with Seema, who is poor and lives with her stepmother. This creates considerable acrimony in the family, and Seema is not accepted as a daughter-in-law. Unable to find a solution, Mahendra takes to alcohol and falls in the bewitching clutches of a beautiful courtesan by the name of Bahaar. 
While vacationing in Srinagar, Sunder meets with Sapna, who also comes from a poor family, falls in love with her and wants to marry her. She, too, falls in love with him. After the vacation, the two then part company. The next time Sapna sees Sunder in the company of a pregnant woman, and overhears that Sunder is soon to be a father. Did Sunder decide to obey his father's instructions after all? If so, what is to become of Sapna?

The Ottawa Public Libary has a bunch of Bollywood titles, but they don't have this one.

Monday, 19 March 2012

The Internauts - Who You Calling Spineless?

It's all about invertebrates.